Just got my fourth rejection on Her Cinderella Secret from The Wild Rose Press.

Here's the text of the rejection:

Dear Vicki,

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to consider your manuscript Her Cinderella Secret. While I really enjoyed the read, I'm sorry to say I can't offer you a contract with The Wild Rose Press at this time. I was impressed by your smooth, flowing, clever and original writing style; however, I felt that the story's plotline didn't meet the high standards you'd set with your writing and character development. To begin with, I was concerned about the fact the heroine has a physical relationship with the hero while she believes he's seeing another woman; this could make the heroine less likeable or relatable to the reader. On a larger scale, most of the conflicts between the hero and heroine seem to be based on mistaken identities and misunderstandings, rather than developing from actual interior, character-based conflicts. As a result, the hero and heroine's journey doesn't have as much at stake, and it comes off a bit too similar to stories we've seen many times before.

Again, I was impressed by your writing style, and I definitely think you have potential as an author. Thanks again for allowing me to read your work.

To be honest, I knew the inherent flaws in the conflict of my story. The best romances are based on character-driven conflicts, and mine didn't quite hit that mark. So even though I'm a little disappointed, I'm not too surprised.

So what's next? Well, I've decided to abandon trying to sell this story and make it available for free when I put a website together. Or, I might host it on It's not a waste; it was a huge learning experience, and I'm glad I wrote it.

2 thoughts on “DO NOT WANT

  1. Elspeth

    "most of the conflicts between the hero and heroine seem to be based on mistaken identities and misunderstandings, rather than developing from actual interior, character-based conflicts." = your story reminds me of Shakespeare.


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